Medical Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy

Address: Minsk, R Luxemburg str. 110 UZ «4 city clinical hospital named after N.E.Savchenko»

The Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy is located at five clinical bases.

  • «4 city clinical hospital named after NOT. Savchenko»
  • «11 city clinical hospital» (tel. 225-87-49)
  • «6 city clinical hospital»
  • Minsk Scientific and Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology (tel. 277-13-68)
  • «23 City Clinical Polyclinic» (tel. 277-13-68)

The department teaches on the subject 'physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation.

The sphere of scientific interests of the department staff lies in the field of pulmonology, traumatology, physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation.