Educational and methodical work of Conservative Dentistry

Two disciplines are taught at the 1st Department of Therapeutic Dentistry.  They are “Therapeutic Dentistry” and “Oral Public Health”.

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Methods of diagnosis and treatment of major dental diseases (caries and periodontal diseases) have changed significantly over the past decade, fundamentally new medicines, filling materials and local anesthetics have appeared in the practice of a dentist.


The educational material of the disciplines taught at the department fully reflects modern views on the etiology and pathogenesis of major dental diseases and includes modern methods of their diagnosis and treatment.

The curriculum includes the following topics: examination of the patient according to WHO criteria in compliance with the rules of ergonomics; the use of the international classification of diseases ICD-10; new approaches in the diagnosis of caries and periodontal diseases. In practical classes students practice in technique of manipulation with modern filling materials, methods of endodontic treatment and professional oral hygiene.

Practical classes are held in the treatment rooms of the dental clinic, equipped with modern dental units. The main goal of the practical lessons is to master the methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases by students. The practical lesson consists of a theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part of the lesson is the study of the material of the topic of the class and the assessment of the degree of student’s knowledge. The practical part of the lesson is the clinical work with patients by students under the supervision of a teacher.

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During the clinical appointment studentы are obliged to perform an examination of the dental patient, fill out the patient's dental outpatient card and report the results of the examination to the teacher. Students pay special attention to diagnosis and a comprehensive treatment plan for the patient. During the entire lesson teacher monitors and assesses correctness of the patient's examination, implementation of medical and diagnostic manipulations as well as the correctness of the dental outpatient card. Results of the practical and theoretical work are summarized at the end of the lesson.

For each academic semester a practical minimum is determined: a list of therapeutic and prophylactic measures (for independent implementation by a student) and the required number of admitted patients in academic semester. The student confirms the fulfillment of the practical minimum with a report (diary), which is certified by the teacher after each practical lesson.

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All employees of the department know new technologies and methods of treatment of dental diseases which is the result of their participation in numerous conferences, seminars and master classes. Teachers of the department regularly publishes teaching aids for students that summarize information from international and Russian-language literature on the topics of the curriculum and include materials of scientific research and dissertations have made on the department. Multimedia presentations on new methods of diagnosis and treatment prepared by teachers of the department are used in the educational process for students and for classes with graduate students and practitioner dentists. 


On February 8, 2019, at the faculty of postgraduate training and retraining of personnel of the educational institution “Belarusian State Medical University” a ceremonial presentation of certificates of advanced training to students from the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named by I.K. Akhunbaeva had place.


Within two weeks dentists from Kyrgyzstan were trained in educational programs “Current approaches to diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa,” “Modern Methods of medical rehabilitation of patients with defects of the teeth and tooth rows” and “Predicting the development and course surgical diseases of the maxillofacial region and neck”.  ⁠