Teaching staff of the department of Skin and Venereal Diseases

Музыченко Анна Павловна

Head of the department

Muzychenko Anna

PhD, Assistant Professor

Author of 80 scientific publications, 1 manual, rationalization proposal. Research interests: chronic dermatoses, pediatric dermatology, dermatocosmetology
Барабанов Андрей Леонидович

Deputy Head for Educational and Methodological Work

Barabanov Andrey

PhD, Associate Professor

He defended his PhD thesis in 2006. He is the deputy head of the department for educational and methodological work. Author of over 100 scientific publications, 1 invention, and 2 rationale proposals. Research interests: allergic dermatoses, chronic dermatoses, mycoses, combined dermatological pathology, skin diseases combined with internal organs pathology and infectious diseases, cosmetology.
Навроцкий Александр Людгерович

Deputy Head for Educational Work

Navrotsky Alexandr

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Defended his doctoral thesis in 1989 in Moscow. Author of 13 educational and methodical documents, 1 invention, 10 rationalization proposals, 120 scientific publications, as well as orders and instructional materials of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. Research interests: improvement of organization of dermatovenerological care to the population, prevention of sexually transmitted infections and AIDS, medical and social research in the field of dermatovenerology.


Yagovdik Mykola


Under his leadership 3 doctoral theses and 10 PhD theses were defended. Author of 9 monographs, books, reference books, 3 inventions, 18 rationalization proposals, over 350 scientific publications, etc. Research interests: skin biochemistry and immunology, chronic dermatoses. He was rewarded with Diploma of the BSSR Supreme Soviet (1982), awarded with badge «Excellent person of Health Care» (1975), conferred with honorary title of Honoured Science Worker of the BSSR (1998).

Associate Professor

Pankratov Valentin


Defended his doctoral thesis in 1969. Author of 22 educational and teaching aids, more than 450 scientific publications, 6 certificates of authorship and 4 patents, as well as orders, instructional materials, clinical protocols of diagnostics and treatment of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and others. Research interests: syphilidology, medical mycology.
Качук Марина Викторовна

Associate Professor

Kachuk Marina


Defended her candidate dissertation in 1986 in Moscow. Author of more than 100 scientific publications, 1 invention, 15 rationalization proposals. Research interests: allergodermatosis, children's dermatology, acne, alopecia, papillomavirus infection.
Белугина Ирина Николаевна

Associate Professor

Irina Belugina


She defended her candidate dissertation in 2005. Author of 2 monographs, 5 study guides and recommendations, and 75 scientific publications. Research interests: chronic dermatoses.
Сикорская Татьяна Анатольевна


Tatiana Sikorskaya


Topic of her PhD thesis: «Vegetative-metabolic disorders and drug therapy of streptococcal-associated psoriasis». Member of Belarusian scientific-medical society of dermatovenerologists. Fields of scientific interests: cosmetology and chronic dermatoses. She has been working as a doctor since 2011. The author of more than 32 scientific works, 1 instruction («Diagnostic method of psoriasis associated with microbial agents»).



Vadim Malyutin

Author of 5 scientific publications. Research interests: autoimmune dermatoses, dermato-oncology, pathomorphological studies in dermatology.