Admission office email:
Belarusian State Medical University exercises the admission of foreign citizens to the Preparatory Department and to the 1st year of study on a fee basis. For applying for admission, first of all, it is necessary to issue the Invitation for training.
The Invitation for training with the indicated specialty is issued at the request of a foreign citizen (or his representative).
Admission of Iranian citizens to the 1st year in the specialties "General medicine", "Dentistry", "Pharmacy" will be carried out within the quotas determined by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The acceptance of documents from Iranian applicants and the conduct of entrance examinations will be carried out by agreement and under supervision of the Scientific Office of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Russia, Belarus and Central Asian countries.
Admission to the Preparatory Department
Admission to the 1st year of study is exercised on a competitive basis
- on a paid basis based on the results of the final certification when mastering the content of the educational program for preparing persons for admission to higher education institutions.
- on a paid basis, based on the results of an interview aimed at defining the level of the education language proficiency (checking the knowledge in the language of instruction, chemistry and biology).

General Medicine
Duration of training: 6 years.Students are trained in four main areas: Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine.

Duration of training: 5 years.Students enrolled in this specialty are trained in Chemistry, Medical Drugs, Pharmaceutical Botany, Economics, Pharmacy Organization.

Duration of training: 5 years.Since the first days students study the following special subjects: Fundamentals of Dental Materials, Functional Anatomy of the Teeth and Jaw System, Denture Manufacturing Laboratory Equipment.
The applicants who are foreign citizens and people without citizenship (or their representatives) submit the following documents to the Admission Committee:
- applicant's passport and its copy translated into Russian in the Republic of Belarus and notarized;
- an application addressed to the Rector of the University;
- the original certificate (document) of complete secondary education (advanced level) indicating the subjects studied and the grades (points) obtained on them, and its copy translated into Russian and notarized;
- a document on passing a mandatory medical examination, confirming the absence of medical contraindications to study in the Republic of Belarus, issued by a healthcare organization of the Republic of Belarus;
- certificate of the absence of HIV infection, issued by the official health authority of the country from which the applicant arrived and its copy, translated into Russian and notarized;
- for underage (under 18 years old) applicants: the original birth certificate and its copy translated into Russian and notarized or the original of another document confirming the date of birth and citizenship, and its copy translated into Russian and notarized;
- for underage (under 18 years old) applicants: a power of attorney to represent the interests of a minor and its copy translated into Russian and notarized - in case of submission of documents without the presence of parents / guardians;
- certificate of graduation from the Faculty of Pre-university Training, Preparatory Department, Preparatory Courses – for those who have graduated from the Faculty of Pre-university Training, Preparatory Department, Preparatory Courses;
- 4 photos (3x4 cm);
- Receipt of payment for services for consideration and execution of documents of foreign applicants upon admission to the university for a paid form of education in order to receive higher education of the 1st stage in accordance with the Public Agreement (offer).
The documents completed in the applicant`s native language must be translated into Russian (Belarussian) and notarized in any country. Passport notarized translation should be made only in Belarus.
Foreign citizens arriving for training will be interviewed on the following subjects: English (or Russian) language, Сhemistry and Biology.