Foreign citizens and people without citizenship having the status of a refugee in the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and people without citizenship of Belarusian origin residing in foreign countries, citizens of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrghyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan are entitled to participating in the competition for obtaining 2nd level higher education on a state-funded basis provided they receive this type of education using the state budget of the Republic of Belarus for the first time.
Admission to the 2nd level higher education course at the expense of the Republican budget is carried out according to the planned admission figures which are annually approved before March 1 by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus based on the request from the University.
Code | Name | |
1-31 80 11 | «Biochemistry» | |
1-31 80 12 | «Microbiology, Virology» | |
1-31 80 14 | «Histology, Cytology, Cell Biology» | |
1-79 80 01 | «Obstetrics and Gynaecology» | |
1-79 80 02 | «Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases» | |
1-79 80 03 | «Eye disease» | |
1-79 80 04 | «Nervous Diseases » | |
1-79 80 05 | «Oncology» | |
1-79 80 07 | «Anaestesiology and Reanimatology» | |
1-79 80 06 | «Traumatology and Orthopedics» | |
1-79 80 08 | «Urology» | |
1-79 80 09 | «Infectious diseases» | |
1-79 80 11 | «Pulmonology and Phthisiology» | |
1-79 80 10 | «Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology» | |
1-79 80 12 | «Skin and Veneral Diseases» | |
1-79 80 13 | «Radiology & Radiation Therapy» | |
1-79 80 14 | «Allergology and Immunology» | |
1-79 80 15 | «Internal Diseases» | |
1-79 80 16 | «Surgery» | |
1-79 80 17 | «Psychiatry, Narcology» | |
1-79 80 18 | «Hygiene» | |
1-79 80 19 | «Epidemiology» | |
1-79 80 21 | «Pediatrics» | |
1-79 80 22 | «Pediatric Surgery» | |
1-79 80 24 | «Forensic Medicine» | |
1-79 80 26 | «Dentistry» | |
1-79 80 27 | «Human Anatomy» | |
1-79 80 29 | «Pathologic Physiology, Physiology» | |
1-79 80 30 | «Drug Technology and Organization of Pharmacy Services» | |
1-79 80 31 | «Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy» | |
Regulations for Admission
Admission to the 2nd level higher education program is carried out on the basis of contracts on specialist training on a fee-paid basis signed by the University and foreign citizens or persons without citizenship or their representatives according to the legislature and international treaties of the Republic of Belarus.
Admission is based on the results of an interview establishing the level of Russian or Belarusian language proficiency and the marks in major (specialized) disciplines indicated in the diploma of higher education. In exceptional cases, if the mark in a major subject in the document of higher education is lower than average, the Admission Board may make a decision to conduct an additional entrance test (interview) on this subject.
List of Documents
- An application to the Rector of the University;
- A copy of the diploma of higher medical education equivalent to the 1st level higher education in the Republic of Belarus with a supplement to the diploma specifying the disciplines studied and the marks obtained (the equivalence of the applicant’s higher education to the 1st level higher education of Belarus is confirmed according to the established procedure);
- Documents confirming Belarusian nationality (origin; for Belarusians who are currently citizens of foreign countries or are persons without citizenship);
- A certificate of health issued by a medical Board of a local health care institution in Belarus (after compulsory medical examination administered by the University);
- Medical examination report and certificate stating the absence of HIV-infection issued by an official health care body (unit) of the country of the candidate’s residency;
- Medical insurance agreement (contract);
- A copy of the passport, legally notarized, the passport is presented personally (if the documents are submitted by the applicant’s representative, he has to present his passport (ID) and a legally notarized copy of the applicant’s passport (ID) is submitted);
- 4 photos (3×4 cm).
The documents submitted in a foreign language must have an attached legally notarized translation into Belarusian or Russian.
In case of successful completion of the Master’s degree program (according to the decision of the State Examination Commission for defending a Master’s thesis) the post-graduate student is awarded Master’s Degree of Medical (Pharmaceutical) Sciences with the corresponding diploma.