BSMU is a leading medical educational institution of the Republic of Belarus having a well-deserved international recognition. 7000 highly qualified doctors annually graduate from the University, 1000 of whom are foreign citizens.
Over the years of studying at BSMU you have covered a huge road from young first-year students to independent mature specialists. In the life of each graduate the time spent at the University is a wonderful period about which each of you will remember with love and warmth at heart. This time comprises so much …
Our graduates have a wide range of opportunities to continue their postgraduate education at different levels: internship, master’s degree program, postgraduate (PhD) studies, doctorate program and clinical residency.

Your success is the University’s success, its pride and glory. And we will always be united by our student years and student friendship. And though you have stopped being our students, you will always be our graduates! The doors of Alma mater are always open in front of you.