The sanatorium dispensary at Minsk State Medical University was opened in September, 1965 according to the Resolution of the Minsk regional council of trade unions with the consent of the staff of the educational institution.
The profile of student's sanatorium dispensary is general therapeutic care for patients with diseases of cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, the musculoskeletal system, diseases of ENT organs, respiratory system, organs of vision.
The sanatorium provides dispensary rehabilitation and treatment of students simultaneously with their studies, ensuring balanced and necessary dietary food, comprehensive and continuing medical care, its high efficiency and continuity of work with healthcare institutions.
Permits are allocated and issued according to the decision of the commission for health improvement and sanatorium treatment of the University students, not earlier than before a month prior to arrival.
To receive the permit students submit the written statement to the commission with the reference for obtaining the permit to sanatorium establishments of a standard form No. 070/at-02. The permit should be paid for at the cash desk of the University with a 15% discount.
No more than one permit can be allocated to a person having the right for sanatorium treatment and health improvement at the expense of the state social insurance within the calendar year. First of all the disabled people, pregnant women, donors, persons on dispensary supervision are accepted.

Treatment of patients in student's sanatorium dispensary is organized with the use of modern medical equipment, according to medical indications. The medical base is represented by physiotherapeutic department where electrophototherapy is carried out: the sinusoidal modulated currents, galvanization, ultrasonic therapy, an electrophoresis with medicinal substances, electrostimulation of muscles, diadynamic currents, UVCh – therapy, microwave therapy, a local darsonvalization, KVCh – therapy, ultra-violet radiation (local), a magnetotherapy; medical massage room: manual massage, hydromassage, vibromassage; inhalation room where alkaline, oil, medicinal inhalations are used; physical therapy room with the medical gymnastics room equipped with the Swedish walls, gymnastic benches, the simulator «Health», a racetrack; functional diagnostics department equipped with the single-channel EK1T-03M2 electrocardiograph.
Natural factors are presented in sanatorium dispensaries by balneotherapy including the bath department with three bathtubs supplied with the compressor for bubble baths, fresh, aromatic, medicinal bathtubs, contrast, turpentine, salt baths. There is a room for underwater shower massage and medical showers: circular, stream, ascending shower, rain, fan, Scottish, contrast. The rooms for paraffin and ozokerit treatment, phytotherapy, halotherapy, mud cure are also functioning.
Meals in student's sanatorium dispensary are organized on a contract basis with the canteen of the University and are carried out in the central dining room located in the 1st University building and its branches – hostels No.3 and No.5.