Belarusian State Medical University is a leading institution of higher medical education in the Republic of Belarus with a well-deserved international prestige and recognition. The beginning of its history dates back to 1921 when the opening of Belarusian State University was announced, which at that time included Medical Faculty.
Currently the educational process at the university is organized at 7 faculties: Faculty of General Medicine; Dental Faculty; Pediatric Faculty; Faculty of Preventive Medicine; Pharmaceutical Faculty; Medical Faculty for International Students; Faculty of Career Guidance and pre-University Training and 2 institutes: Institute of Military Medicine and Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Healthcare Personnel. More than 7 000 students, PhD students, clinical residents, including over 2 000 foreign citizens from about 50 countries, study in Russian and English at the University.
Belarusian State Medical University in numbers

Faculties and Institutes
Currently, the teaching process is organized at 7 Faculties and 3 institutes, including:
Realizing the importance of participation in the global educational and scientific processes, Belarusian State Medical University is actively working to establish new partnerships and develop international cooperation with foreign universities, scientific and practical centers and international organizations from more than 25 countries. The main tasks of multilateral partnerships with foreign universities are: development and improvement of educational technologies and teaching methods; exchange of pedagogical, scientific and clinical experience; scientific and practical cooperation on current issues of medicine and pharmacy.
The University cooperates and exchanges information on current issues of higher medical education with the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME), the International Association of Universities (IAU), the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR); on current health issues — with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the country office of the WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO Country Office, Belarus); in the scientific, educational and medical fields — with the Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN) and other international organizations. Information about Belarusian State Medical University is available at the World Directory of Medical Schools.
The university's unit, which ensures the organization, coordination and implementation of scientific, scientific and technical, innovative activities of the university and its management, is Scientific and Research Division..
It was organized in 2012 on the basis of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory, the history of which began in 1952. The Scientific and Research Division includes 4 scientific laboratories, more than 20 scientific groups, other departments that ensure the organization, coordination and implementation of scientific, scientific and technical or innovative activities of the university.
n terms of research volume and scope, the level of material and technical equipment and personnel involvement the Scientific and Research Division is comparable with the sectoral research institute. Every year the university employees carry out more than 120 research projects, the result of which are new methods of providing medical care, introduced into the practical health care of the Republic, and new knowledge used in the educational process and in the writing of educational literature.

The priority of the Scientific and Research Division is to conduct fundamental and applied research and development, clinical testing of its results, introduction of innovative medical and pharmaceutical technologies in practical health care, as well as training of highly qualified scientists.
The main directions of scientific activity correspond to the profile of training at all faculties. It covers a wide range of scientific problems of internal and surgical diseases, pediatrics, dentistry, preventive medicine, protection of the human environment, pharmacy and military medicine.
The high status of the university and the Scientific and Research Division, as its scientific unit, is confirmed by the long-term functioning as the head implementing organisation under the subprograms of the State Program of Scientific Research (since 2021 — «Translational Medicine») and the State Scientific and Technical Program (since 2021 — «Scientific and technical assurance of the quality and availability of medical services»).
The university’s Medical Consultative Centre «Professor» provides medical services on a paid basis to citizens of the Republic of Belarus and foreign citizens in more than 20 medical specialties.