In order to internationalize higher and postgraduate education, Belarusian State Medical University strives to develop an effective system of international partnership comprising leading educational and scientific establishments from more than 25 countries around the world.
The main objective of bilateral and multilateral partnership is to develop and improve cooperation in exchange of educational technologies and teaching methods, pedagogical experience and information, scientific and practical cooperation on topical issues of medicine and pharmacy with foreign partner-universities.
Forms of bilateral and multilateral partnership:
- participation in educational process: lecturing, holding of seminars, training sessions and workshops for students and higher education teaching staff;
- organization and holding of conjoint scientific-practical conferences, symposia and webinars;
- realization of conjoint scientific projects and cooperation programs in educational and medical spheres;
- academic and student mobility;;
- exchange of information, materials and publications on academic and scientific issues;
- co-publishing of articles, manuals and monographies on topical issues of education and medicine.

Currently the University has concluded more than 120 agreements on collaboration with international research and educational institutions.

The main partners of Belarusian State Medical University are the following universities and institutions: I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University/ Sechenov University (Moscow, Russia), A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (Moscow, Russia), North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov (St-Peterburg, Russia), Kursk State Medical University (Russia), Kirov State Medical University (Russia), Samara State medical University (Russia), University of Nagasaki (Japan), University of Akita (Japan), Fukushima Medical University (Japan), Western University (Canada), Hadassah Medical Center (Israel), Holon Institute of Technology (Israel), Assuta Ashdod Hospital (Israel), Nanjing Medical University (China), Henan University of Science and Technology (China), International Educational Alliance «Union of Western & Eastern Education» (China), Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Iran), Tbilisi State Medical University (Georgia), Azerbaijan Medical University (Azerbaijan), Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (Kazakhstan), Avicenna Tajik State Medical University (Tajikistan), Tashkent Medical Academy (Uzbekistan), Turkmen State Medical University (Turkmenistan), Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Moldova), University of Cagliari (Italy), International Working Group «Prevention»/Internationaler Arbeitskreis Prävention (Germany), United Nations Population Fund and others.International cooperation in scientific sphere is developing through organization and holding of conjoint scientific-practical and educational conferences, seminars, and realization of conjoint scientific projects on topical issues of medicine, stomatology and pharmacy, including the conjoint training programs of academic staff in master’s, postgraduate and doctoral studies.
Efficient development of international partnership, the exchange of advanced educational and scientific technologies, teaching methods, pedagogical experience and information with foreign partner-universities and institutions leads to competitive recovery of the University on the worldwide market of educational services in medical sphere.