Education at the University is practice oriented. On average, 70% of classes are either tutorials or practicals in labs.
From the 2nd year onwards the academic process at the clinical departments is organized at the premises of the medical institutions of the Ministry of Health, which creates all the necessary facilities for students to acquire the knowledge and skills required by the curriculum. From the 3rd year (or from the 2nd year for those majoring in dentistry) onwards the students undergo practical training, which is supervised by highly qualified specialists of the corresponding health care institutions.

In the 6th year the students of the Faculties of General Medicine, Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine undergo a course of pre-graduate internship training, which is a stage of comprehensive and extended preparation in a special subject area: Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Pediatric Surgery, etc.
Since 2006 BSMU has been organizing electives and optional courses. In the academic year 2012-2013 the students were offered such courses in 98 disciplines. This form of study allows us to individualize the process of education, take into account the students’ personal interests, as well as future employers’ requirements for the graduates’ professional level.