The University actively implements innovative educational technologies meeting the Bologna process principles:
- Education throughout life;
- Competence approach to creating multi-level educational programs, involvement of employers in the process of developing educational standards and teaching students;
- Creation of a system of knowledge management which provides an integral approach to acquiring, accumulating and managing knowledge based on new information technologies.
Innovative technologies are supported by the following resources:
- methodological and regulatory materials of new generation;
- Internet information resources combined into the University educational portal;
- multimedia and specialized classrooms;
- telecommunication system;
- E-textbook production laboratory;
- bank of tests and electronic curriculum and instruction materials;
- bank of teaching videos.
All the University resources make up the educational portal which includes the BSMU official site and intra-net sites for teachers and students. Educational resources include a vast bank of full-text educational materials and visual aids, a considerable part of which has been created by the University teaching staff. The devised interactive E-textbooks help the students to get access to current educational literature, presentations of lectures, tests for self-training and self-control.
The University has 170 specialized classrooms and laboratories with the necessary medical equipment and technical aids for the teaching process according to the requirements of educational standards for higher medical education.

There are 22 functioning computer classrooms with over 300 seats. The University is developing and expanding WI-FI technology which facilitates the students’ access to the University Internet resources.
Installation of modern video cameras at the clinical departments has helped to create video archives of unique and high-tech operations, to broadcast the operations immediately to students’ classrooms. The video materials created by the teachers are used to teach students modern surgical interventions and new diagnostic techniques.
At all the departments lectures are delivered with multimedia accompaniment, the lecture materials are annually upgraded by the highly-qualified teaching staff taking into account the latest achievements in medical science and practice. The departments are equipped with multimedia and TV for media content demonstration. Students master their practical skills using modern simulators and training devices.
The library provides on-line access to full-text catalogues of major science journals in different medical areas. The electronic catalogue of the library gives the registered users access to full-text versions of academic and scientific publications. Combined use of computer tests, electronic teaching and learning materials and other resources contribute to the introduction of certain elements of distance learning into the educational process.
Implementation and development of the system of telemedicine allow us to organize TV bridges and video-conferences, scientific on-line conferences with foreign partners as well as lectures delivered by leading medical specialists from Japan, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Russia and other countries.