Teaching at the University is provided at 70 departments (among them 28 theoretical and 42 clinical). The academic classes are organized at 56 teaching hospitals as well as research and practical centers.

Full-time and part-time education is based on higher medical education curriculum. Part-time education is provided only at the Pharmaceutical Faculty.
The academic year is divided into 2 terms: the autumn term (from September to January) and the spring term (from February to July). Each term is followed by an examination session (in January and June). The curriculum depends on the specialty, form and year of study. The students’ academic achievements are assessed in the form of credits and examinations.
Full-time budget students who make good progress in studies are entitled to scholarships.
Under certain conditions (continuous illness, family circumstances, etc.) students can get an academic leave.
Male students who study full-time can choose to undergo military training at the University military departments and if they meet all the requirements after finishing the military course they can obtain the title of «lieutenant of the reserve».